
I give classes, talks, workshops and interviews on subjects such as interfaith relationships, the art of ceremony and ritual, weddings, baby blessings, diversity, personalizing your ceremony/making it extraordinary, finding one’s life path, the importance of meditation, the courage to follow your bliss, finding one’s life partner, finding joy and inner peace in the everyday and the importance of faith. Twice I have been the keynote speaker for WorldAwake Conference and A World Alliance of Interfaith Clergy. I have given classes at The New Seminary, All Faiths Seminary and One Spirit Interfaith Alliance. I have spoken on Art and Spirituality at The Open Center, James Chapel at Union Theological Seminary and other cultural institutions, and on diversity at Community Colleges. I have been interviewed by various radio, TV, print and blogs, including but not limited to: CNN, ABC NEWS, MSNBC, The Los Angeles Times, Modern Bride, Martha Stewart Weddings, Brides, Pregnancy Magazine. AIMS Magazine UK, Personal Journey, Your Path to a More Spiritual Life, Wedding Podcast Network, and